Develop smart contracts
⚠️ WARNING: This page contains a list of tutorials with potentially outdated information and instructions. When the new Polkadot developer documentation is published, the content and links on this page will be updated. Thanks for your patience!
The Develop smart contracts tutorials guide you through how you can use the ink! programming language to build smart contracts that run on a Substrate-based blockchain.
The tutorials in this section use a preconfigured
to keep your work focused on the basics of writing smart contracts.
If you use the standard node template, you must manually add the Contracts pallet and make other changes to your development environment. You can compare the runtime code for the two nodes to see additional information about the differences between them.
- Prepare your first contract describes how to update your development environment and create a smart contract project using the ink! programming language.
- Develop a smart contract demonstrates how to store, increment, and retrieve simple values using a smart contract.
- Use maps for storing values extends the previous tutorial by illustrating how to use maps to store and retrieve values in a smart contract.
- Build a token contract illustrates how you can build a simple smart contract for transferring ERC-20 tokens.
- Troubleshoot smart contracts describes a few common issues that you might encounter when writing and deploying smart contracts.