Build a parachain
⚠️ WARNING: This page contains a list of tutorials with potentially outdated information and instructions. When the new Polkadot developer documentation is published, the content and links on this page will be updated. Thanks for your patience!
The Build a parachain tutorials delve into more advanced topics for moving beyond solo chain development, including how to connect your chain to other chains.
- Prepare a local relay chain helps you prepare a local relay chain to use in testing a local parachain.
- Connect a local parachain highlights the steps necessary to connect your local parachain to a relay chain.
- Acquire a testnet slot summarizes the steps for connecting a parachain to the Rococo test network.
- Open message passing channels demonstrates how to construct cross-consensus messages to open channels that allow parachains to communicate with each other.
- Transfer assets with XCM illustrates how to use cross-consensus messages to execute a remote transfer to a parachain through the relay chain.